The ASK PREGNANCY ASSAY COMBO TEST employs a combination of monoclonal and ployclonal antibodies to selectively identify HCG in the samples with a high degree of sensitivity. In less than 5 minutes, elevated levels of HCG equal to or greater 25 mIU/mL can be detected. At the level of claimed sensitivity, the ASK PREGNANCY ASSAY COMBO TEST shows no cross reactivity interference from the structurally related glycoprotein hormones hFSH, hLH and hTSH at high physiological levels.
The principle of ASK PREGNANCY ASSAY COMBO TEST is as follows:
Diffuse through the
(a) Urine/Serum ------------------------------- > + anti-HCG
absorbent reaction pack
antibody-dye conjugate == > HCG Ag-Ab complex
(red color)
Migrates via capillary action
(b) HCG Ag-Ab complex ------------------------------------ >
along the membrane
+ anti-HCG antibody === >
1. A red line in the testing reaction zone (T): HCG≧25 mIU/mL.
2. No line in the testing reaction zone (T): absence of HCG.
3. A red line in the control reaction zone (C): the reagent and reaction pack is functioning correctly.
4. No red line in the control reaction zone (C): the reagent and reaction pack is functioning invalidly.